Welcome to State of the States 2017, an annual compendium of data that matter to corporate location decision-makers.
In addition to containing updated legislative, demographic, economic and education data points, this year’s edition includes the third annual installment of Rankings That Matter:
Rank in the Tax Foundation’s 2016 State Business Tax Climate Index (Oct. 2016)
Rank in 2015 Higher Education R&D Expenditure (Total in $000s in parentheses)
Rank in total ACT National Career Readiness Certificates earned per capita among working-age adults, Dec. 2016 (total number in parentheses)
College Attainment (percent of working-age population ages 18-65 holding two-year degree or higher, Lumina Foundation, summer 2016)
Rank by Lowest Industrial Electric Power Cost (¢/kWh)
Fiscal Condition Index (Mercatus Center at George Mason University, June 2016)
If you were to index those six indicators, you’d find North Carolina at the top, followed by Washington, Tennessee and a tie between Texas and Florida.
Mix and match these data points according to your own organization’s site selection priorities, and let the facts guide you toward the best location choice.
SOURCES NOTE: Sources for data points represented in these pages include: Standard & Poor’s (state credit ratings as of December 2016); ESRI (2016 state populations, population growths, median household incomes, and median ages); National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Higher Education Research and Development Survey; US Energy Information Admiration; US Bureau of Labor Statistics; NBER; US Census Bureau; Conway, Inc.; state chambers of commerce, economic development agencies and business/industry associations; press reports; governors’ and corporate press rooms; law firms; and legislative research services.
To view a state’s data page simply click on your desired state.
“We have a mantra in Dell corporate real estate: Set unrealistic expectations . . . and then exceed them,” says Kip Thompson, flashing a smile that’s both playfully devilish and dead serious. Yeah, right, you say? After all, real estate by nature is a long-term process: 24 months to build a facility, 16-18 months if […]